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Man, oh man! So much has happened after all of this time. The main thing that I have learned about this journey is that sometimes, no matter how much gratitude you may naturally have within you or display, there is always room for more, especially when you use it properly.

I've found myself taking things for grant it simply because it felt like it was a necessity instead of giving actual appreciation toward them. I have found that that is still the wrong mindset to have. You absolutely have to be grateful for every little thing that you come across, even in the bad times because those are still opportunities to sharpen yourself. Staying consistent is the key especially when life puts you through some amazingly great tests. I'm still working on it because I am new at shifting my mindset and all I really want to do is master this so that I can actually attract what I really want deep down inside and so far, with the little that I have learned, I have found that I can attract better things when situations are approached with genuine gratitude. So now, I am thankful for everything that happens. Whether I display it or not, I know that deep down inside that I do. I've become extremely proud of myself for the new accomplishments that I have made and the new realm I have manifested for myself.... Art! I am highly grateful to be able to stretch my hands to this type of greatness and my eye for detail. It's amazing for me to do these kind of exercises especially to show myself what I can do while the world watches me enjoy it! Same as fitness.

I'm learning that in order to stay in alignment with your dreams, you must pay attention to The Universe. There are signs everywhere that what is truly meant for you is truly meant for you. Of course, I don't always agree with the universe because I feel like my passions should never be capped in any way especially when they actually do bring me peace and joy. I guess that's something we have to work on.

I mean, I would have never imagined my adrenaline rushing to actually make my work this public, much less my life. I still have questions about a lot of things but I guess within those things, I have to learned that if I am much more mindful than what I already am, then I can process things with a clearer mindset.

I'm a doer and self-taught in all that I do. Look at the amazing things I walk into all of the time without knowing exactly what I may decide. I love the energy that I bring to a room when I am in my full element and I just want that to remain in all that I do no matter where I am.

I just hope one day, it will all come together as I dream, imagine and want. Hopefully one day, I will be accepted specifically the way I dream to be without any interruption because the life that I want with who I want... I aint bullshitting about!

Thank you for everything!

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