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Proper Perspective

So, a lot has happened within this last past year and few months of my lifestyle transition. I mean, between traveling for work, fitness coaching, podcast appearances, creating new Rugg3d F3mm3 collections and styles, interviewing for "He's Too Good For Me" documentary, revamping my new home, bringing magical energy closer to me and bringing my artistry to light... it's all been a journey. Stressful but yet and still all a blessing in disguise.

For the last few months, I have been able to put things into a more proper perspective more than ever. I have learned so much about the people that I meet and how I am perceieved and how I perceive them as well. I'm still learning about how the community that I reside in works, and when I take myself out of my own shoes to see the bigger picture, I'm am slowly learning that it isn't all so bad after all... especially when I realize the part that I am suppose to play in all of this... which isn't half as bad as it may feel at times... especially when I can still sit back and still see that things are actually aligning for me in ways that I imagine and couldn't even imagine. Grant it, things are still taking it's time because I am a multi-tasker, but I'm also learning that being a multi-tasker isn't always a good thing especially when you end up being swamped with deadlines that could cause you to spread yourself around too thin. Of course, none of that has to do with any of my creative works although one of my projects are still taking a bit of a time... but I think it's best to say that I can still breathe easy on it all and work on everything little by little while still not losing my entire vision. All of this has been a journey and instead of running away from the things that I do not understand, I have decided to face everything even more than I have before so that I can gain a better knowledge of what it is that I face because after all, these are the same things that are going to give me all of the answers that I need to move forward with my journey. It is cliche but all so very true that "everything happens for a reason".

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